Search Results | generic name biology

Your search for "generic name biology" returned 147 results

Pop Quiz: General Science

Science nerds, this is for you! Can you ace this pop quiz? Test your general science knowledge covering chemistry, astronomy, physics, biology, and other fields, and let's see how you fare!

How Well Do You Know the Basics of Biology?

Biology makes the world go 'round. The science of life can be rather complicated, but the main points are simple, and everyone should know them. That includes you! Conquer this quiz, and know that your brain is not a single-celled organism.

Can You Beat the Average Person on This General Knowledge Quiz?

There is a lot out there to know, but how much of it do you have a handle on? Put your general knowledge to the test with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

The Ultimate Animal Quiz

Furry or fragile, swift or slovenly, airborne or cave dwelling, animal is the generic name of a vast and varied group of creatures on our planet Earth. How are these creatures similar and in what ways are they different? Test your knowledge about animals by taking this quiz.

How Tiger Sharks Work

Tiger sharks are named for the dark spots and stripes that mark juveniles. Learn how tiger sharks are equally as ferocious as tigers.

Why are cookiecutter sharks called that?

Cookiecutter sharks get their name from the round bites they carve out of other sea animals' bodies. Learn about cookiecutter sharks and their bite.

Why are goblin sharks called that?

How did the goblin shark score its haunting name? It has something to do with the goblin shark's visage. Find out more about the goblin shark.

How Intelligent Design Works

The intelligent design movement claims that life as we know it could not have developed through random natural processes. Learn about intelligent design and the controversy it has generated.

The Pink Fairy Armadillo Is as Mystifying as Its Name

The pink fairy armadillo looks like something out of a children's book and is so rare that very few people have ever seen one.

The Hoax of Edward Mordake, the Man Afflicted With Two Faces

Tormented by an evil face at the back of his head, he took his own life at 23. It's a sad tale that has captivated people for generations, except it isn't true.

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